




Shapotou Scenic Area(沙坡头风景区)

Shapotou Scenic Area is located in Zhongwei City, Ningxia. It is known for its magnificent sand dunes, the Yellow River and the unique desert landscape. Visitors can explore the vast desert by sand skiing or camel riding, and also enjoy the thrilling experience of the cableway crossing the Yellow River. This scenic area offers a perfect blend of natural beauty and adventurous activities.

Western Xia Imperial Tombs(西夏王陵)

Western Xia Imperial Tombs is a historical site in Yinchuan City, Ningxia. It is the burial ground of nearly 9,000 Western Xia Dynasty rulers, officials, and family members. The tomb complex features traditional Chinese architectural styles and is surrounded by beautiful landscapes. Visitors can admire the grandeur of the tombs and learn about the history and culture of the Western Xia Dynasty.

Suyukou National Forest Park(苏裕口国家森林公园)

Suyukou National Forest Park is located in Tongxin County, Wuzhong City, Ningxia. It is a picturesque park with lush forests, crystal-clear streams, and breathtaking waterfalls. Visitors can enjoy a leisurely stroll along the trails, have a picnic by the stream, and take in the tranquility of nature. Suyukou National Forest Park offers a peaceful retreat away from the bustling city life.


Shapotou Scenic Area: 沙坡头风景区位于宁夏中卫市,以其壮丽的沙丘、黄河和独特的沙漠景观而闻名。游客可以通过滑沙、骑骆驼等方式探索广阔的沙漠,还可以乘坐缆车刺激地穿越黄河。这个风景区融合了自然美景和冒险活动的完美组合。

Western Xia Imperial Tombs: 西夏王陵位于宁夏银川市,是近9000位西夏王朝统治者、官员和家族成员的安葬地。陵墓群以传统中国建筑风格为特色,并被美丽的景观环绕。游客可以欣赏陵墓的宏伟壮丽,了解西夏王朝的历史和文化。

Suyukou National Forest Park: 苏裕口国家森林公园位于宁夏吴忠市同心县,是一个风景如画的公园,拥有茂密的森林、清澈的溪流和令人叹为观止的瀑布。游客可以沿着小径漫步,溪边野餐,享受大自然的宁静。苏裕口国家森林公园提供了一个远离繁忙城市生活的宁静避难所。
