




Day 1: Exploring the Ancient City Walls

On the first day of my trip to Xi'an, I decided to explore the ancient city walls. As I walked along the 14-kilometer-long walls, I was amazed by their grandeur and the panoramic view of the city. It was a unique experience to be able to walk on these historic walls and imagine the rich history and culture that they have witnessed over the centuries.

Day 2: Discovering the Terracotta Army

One of the highlights of my trip was visiting the world-renowned Terracotta Army. The sheer size and intricacy of the thousands of life-size clay soldiers, horses, and chariots left me in awe. It was fascinating to learn about Emperor Qin Shi Huang's burial complex and the dedication it took to create this incredible archaeological site. It truly showcased the craftsmanship and artistry of the ancient Chinese civilization.

Day 3: Marveling at the Big Wild Goose Pagoda

On my last day in Xi'an, I visited the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, a symbol of the city's rich Buddhist heritage. The pagoda's imposing structure and its historical significance were captivating. Climbing to the top rewarded me with a breathtaking view of the surrounding area. It was a serene experience to wander around the temple complex and soak in the peaceful atmosphere.
